Package 'HDTSA'

Title: High Dimensional Time Series Analysis Tools
Description: An implementation for high-dimensional time series analysis methods, including factor model for vector time series proposed by Lam and Yao (2012) <doi:10.1214/12-AOS970> and Chang, Guo and Yao (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2015.03.024>, martingale difference test proposed by Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.09.001>, principal component analysis for vector time series proposed by Chang, Guo and Yao (2018) <doi:10.1214/17-AOS1613>, cointegration analysis proposed by Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2018.1458620>, unit root test proposed by Chang, Cheng and Yao (2022) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asab034>, white noise test proposed by Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw066>, CP-decomposition for matrix time series proposed by Chang et al. (2023) <doi:10.1093/jrsssb/qkac011> and Chang et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.05634>, and statistical inference for spectral density matrix proposed by Chang et al. (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2212.13686>.
Authors: Jinyuan Chang [aut], Jing He [aut], Chen Lin [aut, cre], Qiwei Yao [aut]
Maintainer: Chen Lin <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.5
Built: 2025-02-26 06:01:53 UTC

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Identifying the cointegration rank of nonstationary vector time series


Coint() deals with cointegration analysis for high-dimensional vector time series proposed in Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019). Consider the model:

yt=Axt,{\bf y}_t = {\bf Ax}_t\,,

where A{\bf A} is a p×pp \times p unknown and invertible constant matrix, xt=(xt,1,xt,2){\bf x}_t = ({\bf x}'_{t,1}, {\bf x}'_{t,2})' is a latent p×1p \times 1 process, xt,2{\bf x}_{t,2} is an r×1r \times 1 I(0)I(0) process, xt,1{\bf x}_{t,1} is a process with nonstationary components, and no linear combination of xt,1{\bf x}_{t,1} is I(0)I(0). This function aims to estimate the cointegration rank rr and the invertible constant matrix A{\bf A}.


  lag.k = 5,
  type = c("acf", "urtest", "both"),
  c0 = 0.3,
  m = 20,
  alpha = 0.01



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


The time lag KK used to calculate the nonnegative definte matrix W^y\hat{{\bf W}}_y:

W^y = k=0KΣ^y(k)Σ^y(k),\hat{\mathbf{W}}_y\ =\ \sum_{k=0}^{K}\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)'\,,

where Σ^y(k)\hat{\bf \Sigma}_y(k) is the sample autocovariance of yt{\bf y}_t at lag kk. The default is 5.


The method used to identify the cointegration rank. Available options include: "acf" (the default) for the method based on the sample autocorrelations, "urtest" for the method based on the unit root tests, and "both" to apply these two methods. See Section 2.3 of Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019) and 'Details' for more information.


The prescribed constant c0c_0 involved in the method based on the sample correlations, which is used when type = "acf" or type = "both". See Section 2.3 of Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019) and 'Details' for more information. The default is 0.3.


The prescribed constant mm involved in the method based on the sample correlations, which is used when type = "acf" or type = "both". See Section 2.3 of Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019) and 'Details' for more information. The default is 20.


The significance level α\alpha of the unit root tests, which is used when type = "urtest" or type = "both". See 'Details'. The default is 0.01.


Write x^t=A^yt(x^t1,,x^tp)\hat{\bf x}_t=\hat{\bf A}'{\bf y}_t\equiv (\hat{x}_t^1,\ldots,\hat{x}_t^p)'. When type = "acf", Coint() estimates rr by

r^=i=1p1{Si(m)m<c0}\hat{r}=\sum_{i=1}^{p}1\bigg\{\frac{S_i(m)}{m}<c_0 \bigg\}

for some constant c0(0,1)c_0\in (0,1) and some large constant mm, where Si(m)S_i(m) is the sum of the sample autocorrelations of x^ti\hat{x}^{i}_{t} over lags 1 to mm, which is specified in Section 2.3 of Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019).

When type = "urtest", Coint() estimates rr by unit root tests. For i=1,,pi= 1,\ldots, p, consider the null hypothesis

H0,i:x^tpi+1I(0).H_{0,i}:\hat{x}_t^{p-i+1} \sim I(0)\,.

The estimation procedure for rr can be implemented as follows:

Step 1. Start with i=1i=1. Perform the unit root test proposed in Chang, Cheng and Yao (2021) for H0,iH_{0,i}.

Step 2. If the null hypothesis is not rejected at the significance level α\alpha, increment ii by 1 and repeat Step 1. Otherwise, stop the procedure and denote the value of ii at termination as i0i_0. The cointegration rank is then estimated as r^=i01\hat{r}=i_0-1.


An object of class "coint", which contains the following components:


The estimated A^\hat{\bf A}.


The estimated cointegration rank r^\hat{r}.


The time lag used in function.


A string indicating which method is used to identify the cointegration rank.


Chang, J., Cheng, G., & Yao, Q. (2022). Testing for unit roots based on sample autocovariances. Biometrika, 109, 543–550. doi:10.1093/biomet/asab034.

Zhang, R., Robinson, P., & Yao, Q. (2019). Identifying cointegration by eigenanalysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114, 916–927. doi:10.1080/01621459.2018.1458620.


# Example 1 (Example 1 in Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019))
## Generate yt
p <- 10
n <- 1000
r <- 3
d <- 1
X <- mat.or.vec(p, n)
X[1,] <- arima.sim(n-d, model = list(order=c(0, d, 0)))
for(i in 2:3)X[i,] <- rnorm(n)
for(i in 4:(r+1)) X[i, ] <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.5), n)
for(i in (r+2):p) X[i, ] <- arima.sim(n = (n-d), model = list(order=c(1, d, 1), ar=0.6, ma=0.8))
M1 <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1/2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
A <- matrix(runif(p*p, -3, 3), ncol = p)
A[1:3,1:3] <- M1
Y <- t(A%*%X)

Coint(Y, type = "both")

Estimating the matrix time series CP-factor model


CP_MTS() deals with the estimation of the CP-factor model for matrix time series:

Yt=AXtB+ϵt,{\bf{Y}}_t = {\bf A \bf X}_t{\bf B}' + {\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t,

where Xt=diag(xt,1,,xt,d){\bf X}_t = {\rm diag}(x_{t,1},\ldots,x_{t,d}) is a d×dd \times d unobservable diagonal matrix, ϵt{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t is a p×qp \times q matrix white noise, A{\bf A} and B{\bf B} are, respectively, p×dp \times d and q×dq \times d unknown constant matrices with their columns being unit vectors, and 1d<min(p,q)1\leq d < \min(p,q) is an unknown integer. Let rank(A)=d1{\rm rank}(\mathbf{A}) = d_1 and rank(B)=d2{\rm rank}(\mathbf{B}) = d_2 with some unknown d1,d2dd_1,d_2\leq d. This function aims to estimate d,d1,d2d, d_1, d_2 and the loading matrices A{\bf A} and B{\bf B} using the methods proposed in Chang et al. (2023) and Chang et al. (2024).


  xi = NULL,
  Rank = NULL,
  lag.k = 20,
  lag.ktilde = 10,
  method = c("CP.Direct", "CP.Refined", "CP.Unified"),
  thresh1 = FALSE,
  thresh2 = FALSE,
  thresh3 = FALSE,
  delta1 = 2 * sqrt(log(dim(Y)[2] * dim(Y)[3])/dim(Y)[1]),
  delta2 = delta1,
  delta3 = delta1



An n×p×qn \times p \times q array, where nn is the number of observations of the p×qp \times q matrix time series {Yt}t=1n\{{\bf Y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


An n×1n \times 1 vector ξ=(ξ1,,ξn)\boldsymbol{\xi} = (\xi_1,\ldots, \xi_n)', where ξt\xi_t represents a linear combination of Yt{\bf Y}_t. If xi = NULL (the default), ξt\xi_{t} is determined by the PCA method introduced in Section 5.1 of Chang et al. (2023). Otherwise, xi can be given by the users.


A list containing the following components: d representing the number of columns of A{\bf A} and B{\bf B}, d1 representing the rank of A{\bf A}, and d2 representing the rank of B{\bf B}. If set to NULL (default), dd, d1d_1, and d2d_2 will be estimated. Otherwise, they can be given by the users.


The time lag KK used to calculate the nonnegative definite matrices M^1\hat{\mathbf{M}}_1 and M^2\hat{\mathbf{M}}_2 when method = "CP.Refined" or method = "CP.Unified":

M^1 = k=1KΣ^kΣ^k  and  M^2 = k=1KΣ^kΣ^k,\hat{\mathbf{M}}_1\ =\ \sum_{k=1}^{K} \hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k} \hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k}'\ \ {\rm and} \ \ \hat{\mathbf{M}}_2\ =\ \sum_{k=1}^{K} \hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k}' \hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k}\,,

where Σ^k\hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k} is an estimate of the cross-covariance between Yt{\bf Y}_t and ξt\xi_t at lag kk. See 'Details'. The default is 20.


The time lag K~\tilde K involved in the unified estimation method [See (16) in Chang et al. (2024)], which is used when method = "CP.Unified". The default is 10.


A string indicating which CP-decomposition method is used. Available options include: "CP.Direct" (the default) for the direct estimation method [See Section 3.1 of Chang et al. (2023)], "CP.Refined" for the refined estimation method [See Section 3.2 of Chang et al. (2023)], and "CP.Unified" for the unified estimation method [See Section 4 of Chang et al. (2024)]. The validity of methods "CP.Direct" and "CP.Refined" depends on the assumption d1=d2=dd_1=d_2=d. When d1,d2dd_1,d_2 \leq d, the method "CP.Unified" can be applied. See Chang et al. (2024) for details.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied in Σ^k\hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k}, which indicates that the threshold level δ1=0\delta_1=0. If TRUE, δ1\delta_1 will be set through delta1. thresh1 is used for all three methods. See 'Details'.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied in Σˇk\check{\bf \Sigma}_{k}, which indicates that the threshold level δ2=0\delta_2=0. If TRUE, δ2\delta_2 will be set through delta2. thresh2 is used only when method = "CP.Refined". See 'Details'.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied in Σk\vec{\bf \Sigma}_{k}, which indicates that the threshold level δ3=0\delta_3=0. If TRUE, δ3\delta_3 will be set through delta3. thresh3 is used only when method = "CP.Unified". See 'Details'.


The value of the threshold level δ1\delta_1. The default is δ1=2n1log(pq)\delta_1 = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log (pq)}.


The value of the threshold level δ2\delta_2. The default is δ2=2n1log(pq)\delta_2 = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log (pq)}.


The value of the threshold level δ3\delta_3. The default is δ3=2n1log(pq)\delta_3 = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log(pq)}.


All three CP-decomposition methods involve the estimation of the autocovariance of Yt{\bf Y}_t and ξt\xi_t at lag kk, which is defined as follows:

Σ^k=Tδ1{Σ^Y,ξ(k)}  with  Σ^Y,ξ(k)=1nkt=k+1n(YtYˉ)(ξtkξˉ),\hat{\bf \Sigma}_{k} = T_{\delta_1}\{\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{\mathbf{Y}, \xi}(k)\}\ \ {\rm with}\ \ \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{\mathbf{Y}, \xi}(k) = \frac{1}{n-k} \sum_{t=k+1}^n(\mathbf{Y}_t-\bar{\mathbf{Y}})(\xi_{t-k}-\bar{\xi})\,,

where Yˉ=n1t=1nYt\bar{\bf Y} = n^{-1}\sum_{t=1}^n {\bf Y}_t, ξˉ=n1t=1nξt\bar{\xi}=n^{-1}\sum_{t=1}^n \xi_t and Tδ1()T_{\delta_1}(\cdot) is a threshold operator defined as Tδ1(W)={wi,j1(wi,jδ1)}T_{\delta_1}({\bf W}) = \{w_{i,j}1(|w_{i,j}|\geq \delta_1)\} for any matrix W=(wi,j){\bf W}=(w_{i,j}), with the threshold level δ10\delta_1 \geq 0 and 1()1(\cdot) representing the indicator function. Chang et al. (2023) and Chang et al. (2024) suggest to choose δ1=0\delta_1 = 0 when p,qp, q are fixed and δ1>0\delta_1>0 when pqnpq \gg n.

The refined estimation method involves

Σˇk=Tδ2{Σ^Yˇ(k)}  with  Σ^Yˇ(k)=1nkt=k+1n(YtYˉ)vec(YtkYˉ),\check{\bf \Sigma}_{k} = T_{\delta_2}\{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_{\check{\mathbf{Y}}}(k)\}\ \ {\rm with} \ \ \hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_{\check{\mathbf{Y}}}(k)=\frac{1}{n-k} \sum_{t=k+1}^n(\mathbf{Y}_t-\bar{\mathbf{Y}}) \otimes {\rm vec} (\mathbf{Y}_{t-k}-\bar{\mathbf{Y}})\,,

where Tδ2()T_{\delta_2}(\cdot) is a threshold operator with the threshold level δ20\delta_2 \geq 0, and vec(){\rm vec}(\cdot) is a vecterization operator with vec(H){\rm vec}({\bf H}) being the (m1m2)×1(m_1m_2)\times 1 vector obtained by stacking the columns of the m1×m2m_1 \times m_2 matrix H{\bf H}. See Section 3.2.2 of Chang et al. (2023) for details.

The unified estimation method involves

Σk=Tδ3{Σ^Y(k)}  with  Σ^Y(k)=1nkt=k+1nvec(YtYˉ){vec(YtkYˉ)},\vec{\bf \Sigma}_{k}= T_{\delta_3}\{\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{\vec{\mathbf{Y}}}(k)\} \ \ {\rm with}\ \ \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{\vec{\mathbf{Y}}}(k)=\frac{1}{n-k} \sum_{t=k+1}^n{\rm vec}({\mathbf{Y}}_t-\bar{\mathbf{Y}})\{{\rm vec} (\mathbf{Y}_{t-k}-\bar{\mathbf{Y}})\}'\,,

where Tδ3()T_{\delta_3}(\cdot) is a threshold operator with the threshold level δ30\delta_3 \geq 0. See Section 4.2 of Chang et al. (2024) for details.


An object of class "mtscp", which contains the following components:


The estimated p×d^p \times \hat{d} left loading matrix A^\hat{\bf A}.


The estimated q×d^q \times \hat{d} right loading matrix B^\hat{\bf B}.


The estimated latent process x^t,1,,x^t,d^\hat{x}_{t,1},\ldots,\hat{x}_{t,\hat{d}}.


The estimated d^1,d^2\hat{d}_1,\hat{d}_2, and d^\hat{d}.


A string indicating which CP-decomposition method is used.


Chang, J., Du, Y., Huang, G., & Yao, Q. (2024). Identification and estimation for matrix time series CP-factor models. arXiv preprint. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.05634.

Chang, J., He, J., Yang, L., & Yao, Q. (2023). Modelling matrix time series via a tensor CP-decomposition. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 85, 127–148. doi:10.1093/jrsssb/qkac011.


# Example 1.
p <- 10
q <- 10
n <- 400
d = d1 = d2 <- 3
## DGP.CP() generates simulated data for the example in Chang et al. (2024).
data <- DGP.CP(n, p, q, d, d1, d2)
Y <- data$Y

## d is unknown
res1 <- CP_MTS(Y, method = "CP.Direct")
res2 <- CP_MTS(Y, method = "CP.Refined")
res3 <- CP_MTS(Y, method = "CP.Unified")

## d is known
res4 <- CP_MTS(Y, Rank = list(d = 3), method = "CP.Direct")
res5 <- CP_MTS(Y, Rank = list(d = 3), method = "CP.Refined")

# Example 2.
p <- 10
q <- 10
n <- 400
d1 = d2 <- 2
d <-3
data <- DGP.CP(n, p, q, d, d1, d2)
Y1 <- data$Y

## d, d1 and d2 are unknown
res6 <- CP_MTS(Y1, method = "CP.Unified")
## d, d1 and d2 are known
res7 <- CP_MTS(Y1, Rank = list(d = 3, d1 = 2, d2 = 2), method = "CP.Unified")

Generating simulated data for the example in Chang et al. (2024)


DGP.CP() function generates simulated data following the data generating process described in Section 7.1 of Chang et al. (2024).


DGP.CP(n, p, q, d, d1, d2)



Integer. The number of observations of the p×qp \times q matrix time series Yt{\bf Y}_t.


Integer. The number of rows of Yt{\bf Y}_t.


Integer. The number of columns of Yt{\bf Y}_t.


Integer. The number of columns of the factor loading matrices A\bf A and B\bf B.


Integer. The rank of the p×dp \times d matrix A\bf A.


Integer. The rank of the q×dq \times d matrix B\bf B.


We generate

Yt=AXtB+ϵt{\bf{Y}}_t = {\bf A \bf X}_t{\bf B}' + {\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t

for any t=1,,nt=1, \ldots, n, where Xt=diag(xt){\bf X}_t = {\rm diag}({\bf x}_t) with xt=(xt,1,,xt,d){\bf x}_t = (x_{t,1},\ldots,x_{t,d})' being a d×1d \times 1 time series, ϵt{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t is a p×qp \times q matrix white noise, and A{\bf A} and B{\bf B} are, respectively, p×dp\times d and q×dq \times d factor loading matrices. A\bf A, Xt{\bf X}_t, and B\bf B are generated based on the data generating process described in Section 7.1 of Chang et al. (2024) and satisfy rank(A)=d1{\rm rank}({\bf A})=d_1 and rank(B)=d2{\rm rank}({\bf B})=d_2, 1d1,d2d1 \le d_1, d_2 \le d.


A list containing the following components:


An n×p×qn \times p \times q array.


The p×dp \times d left loading matrix A\bf A.


The q×dq \times d right loading matrix B\bf B.


An n×d×dn \times d \times d array.


Chang, J., Du, Y., Huang, G., & Yao, Q. (2024). Identification and estimation for matrix time series CP-factor models. arXiv preprint. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.05634.

See Also



p <- 10
q <- 10
n <- 400
d = d1 = d2 <- 3
data <- DGP.CP(n,p,q,d1,d2,d)
Y <- data$Y

## The first observation: Y_1
Y[1, , ]

Factor analysis for vector time series


Factors() deals with factor modeling for high-dimensional time series proposed in Lam and Yao (2012):

yt=Axt+ϵt,{\bf y}_t = {\bf Ax}_t + {\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t,

where xt{\bf x}_t is an r×1r \times 1 latent process with (unknown) rpr \leq p, A{\bf A} is a p×rp \times r unknown constant matrix, and ϵt{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t is a vector white noise process. The number of factors rr and the factor loadings A{\bf A} can be estimated in terms of an eigenanalysis for a nonnegative definite matrix, and is therefore applicable when the dimension of yt{\bf y}_t is on the order of a few thousands. This function aims to estimate the number of factors rr and the factor loading matrix A{\bf A}.


  lag.k = 5,
  thresh = FALSE,
  delta = 2 * sqrt(log(ncol(Y))/nrow(Y)),
  twostep = FALSE



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


The time lag KK used to calculate the nonnegative definite matrix M^\hat{\mathbf{M}}:

M^ = k=1KTδ{Σ^y(k)}Tδ{Σ^y(k)},\hat{\mathbf{M}}\ =\ \sum_{k=1}^{K} T_\delta\{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)\} T_\delta\{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)\}'\,,

where Σ^y(k)\hat{\bf \Sigma}_y(k) is the sample autocovariance of yt{\bf y}_t at lag kk and Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is a threshold operator with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0. See 'Details'. The default is 5.


Logical. If thresh = FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied to estimate M^\hat{\mathbf{M}}. If thresh = TRUE, δ\delta will be set through delta.


The value of the threshold level δ\delta. The default is δ=2n1logp\delta = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log p}.


Logical. If twostep = FALSE (the default), the standard procedure [See Section 2.2 in Lam and Yao (2012)] for estimating rr and A{\bf A} will be implemented. If twostep = TRUE, the two-step estimation procedure [See Section 4 in Lam and Yao (2012)] for estimating rr and A{\bf A} will be implemented.


The threshold operator Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is defined as Tδ(W)={wi,j1(wi,jδ)}T_\delta({\bf W}) = \{w_{i,j}1(|w_{i,j}|\geq \delta)\} for any matrix W=(wi,j){\bf W}=(w_{i,j}), with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0 and 1()1(\cdot) representing the indicator function. We recommend to choose δ=0\delta=0 when pp is fixed and δ>0\delta>0 when pnp \gg n.


An object of class "factors", which contains the following components:


The estimated number of factors r^\hat{r}.


The estimated p×r^p \times \hat{r} factor loading matrix A^\hat{\bf A}.


The n×r^n\times \hat{r} matrix X^=(x^1,,x^n)\hat{\bf X}=(\hat{\bf x}_1,\dots,\hat{\bf x}_n)' with x^t=A^y^t\hat{\bf x}_t = \hat{\bf A}'\hat{\bf y}_t.


The time lag used in function.


Lam, C., & Yao, Q. (2012). Factor modelling for high-dimensional time series: Inference for the number of factors. The Annals of Statistics, 40, 694–726. doi:10.1214/12-AOS970.


# Example 1 (Example in Section 3.3 of lam and Yao 2012)
## Generate y_t
p <- 200
n <- 400
r <- 3
X <- mat.or.vec(n, r)
A <- matrix(runif(p*r, -1, 1), ncol=r)
x1 <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.6)), n=n)
x2 <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(-0.5)), n=n)
x3 <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.3)), n=n)
eps <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), p, n)
X <- t(cbind(x1, x2, x3))
Y <- A %*% X + eps
Y <- t(Y)

fac <- Factors(Y,lag.k=2)
r_hat <- fac$factor_num
loading_Mat <- fac$loading.mat

Fama-French 10*10 return series


The portfolios are constructed by the intersections of 10 levels of size, denoted by S1,,S10{\rm S}_{1}, \ldots, {\rm S}_{10}, and 10 levels of the book equity to market equity ratio (BE), denoted by BE1,,BE10{\rm BE}_1, \ldots,{\rm BE}_{10}. The dataset consists of monthly returns from January 1964 to December 2021, which contains 69600 observations for 696 total months.




A data frame with 696 rows and 102 columns. The first column represents the month, and the second column named MKT.RF represents the monthly market returns. The rest of the columns represent the return series for different sizes and BE-ratios.


Factor analysis with observed regressors for vector time series


HDSReg() considers a multivariate time series model which represents a high-dimensional vector process as a sum of three terms: a linear regression of some observed regressors, a linear combination of some latent and serially correlated factors, and a vector white noise:

yt=Dzt+Axt+ϵt,{\bf y}_t = {\bf Dz}_t + {\bf Ax}_t + {\boldsymbol {\epsilon}}_t,

where yt{\bf y}_t and zt{\bf z}_t are, respectively, observable p×1p\times 1 and m×1m \times 1 time series, xt{\bf x}_t is an r×1r \times 1 latent factor process, ϵt{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_t is a vector white noise process, D{\bf D} is an unknown regression coefficient matrix, and A{\bf A} is an unknown factor loading matrix. This procedure proposed in Chang, Guo and Yao (2015) aims to estimate the regression coefficient matrix D{\bf D}, the number of factors rr and the factor loading matrix A{\bf A}.


  D = NULL,
  lag.k = 5,
  thresh = FALSE,
  delta = 2 * sqrt(log(ncol(Y))/nrow(Y)),
  twostep = FALSE



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


An n×mn \times m data matrix Z=(z1,,zn){\bf Z} = ({\bf z}_1, \dots , {\bf z}_n )' consisting of the observed regressors.


A p×mp\times m regression coefficient matrix D~\tilde{\bf D}. If D = NULL (the default), our procedure will estimate D{\bf D} first and let D~\tilde{\bf D} be the estimate of D{\bf D}. If D is given by the users, then D~=D\tilde{\bf D}={\bf D}.


The time lag KK used to calculate the nonnegative definte matrix M^η\hat{\mathbf{M}}_{\eta}:

M^η = k=1KTδ{Σ^η(k)}Tδ{Σ^η(k)},\hat{\mathbf{M}}_{\eta}\ =\ \sum_{k=1}^{K} T_\delta\{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_{\eta}(k)\} T_\delta\{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_{\eta}(k)\}',

where Σ^η(k)\hat{\bf \Sigma}_{\eta}(k) is the sample autocovariance of ηt=ytD~zt{\boldsymbol {\eta}}_t = {\bf y}_t - \tilde{\bf D}{\bf z}_t at lag kk and Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is a threshold operator with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0. See 'Details'. The default is 5.


Logical. If thresh = FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied to estimate M^η\hat{\mathbf{M}}_{\eta}. If thresh = TRUE, δ\delta will be set through delta. See 'Details'.


The value of the threshold level δ\delta. The default is δ=2n1logp\delta = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log p}.


Logical. The same as the argument twostep in Factors.


The threshold operator Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is defined as Tδ(W)={wi,j1(wi,jδ)}T_\delta({\bf W}) = \{w_{i,j}1(|w_{i,j}|\geq \delta)\} for any matrix W=(wi,j){\bf W}=(w_{i,j}), with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0 and 1()1(\cdot) representing the indicator function. We recommend to choose δ=0\delta=0 when pp is fixed and δ>0\delta>0 when pnp \gg n.


An object of class "factors", which contains the following components:


The estimated number of factors r^\hat{r}.


The estimated p×mp \times m regression coefficient matrix D~\tilde{\bf D}.


The estimated p×r^p \times \hat{r} factor loading matrix A^{\bf \hat{A}}.


The n×r^n\times \hat{r} matrix X^=(x^1,,x^n)\hat{\bf X}=(\hat{\bf x}_1,\dots,\hat{\bf x}_n)' with x^t=A^(ytD~zt)\hat{\mathbf{x}}_t=\hat{\mathbf{A}}'(\mathbf{y}_t-\tilde{\mathbf{D}} \mathbf{z}_t).


The time lag used in function.


Chang, J., Guo, B., & Yao, Q. (2015). High dimensional stochastic regression with latent factors, endogeneity and nonlinearity. Journal of Econometrics, 189, 297–312. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2015.03.024.

See Also



# Example 1 (Example 1 in Chang, Guo and Yao (2015)).
## Generate xt
n <- 400
p <- 200
m <- 2
r <- 3
X <- mat.or.vec(n,r)
x1 <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.6)), n = n)
x2 <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(-0.5)), n = n)
x3 <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.3)), n = n)
X <- cbind(x1, x2, x3)
X <- t(X)

## Generate yt
Z <- mat.or.vec(m,n)
S1 <- matrix(c(5/8, 1/8, 1/8, 5/8), 2, 2)
Z[,1] <- c(rnorm(m))
for(i in c(2:n)){
  Z[,i] <- S1%*%Z[, i-1] + c(rnorm(m))
D <- matrix(runif(p*m, -2, 2), ncol = m)
A <- matrix(runif(p*r, -2, 2), ncol = r)
eps <- mat.or.vec(n, p)
eps <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), p, n)
Y <- D %*% Z + A %*% X + eps
Y <- t(Y)
Z <- t(Z)

## D is known
res1 <- HDSReg(Y, Z, D, lag.k = 2)
## D is unknown
res2 <- HDSReg(Y, Z, lag.k = 2)

U.S. Industrial Production indices


The dataset consists of 7 monthly U.S. Industrial Production indices, namely the total index, nonindustrial supplies, final products, manufacturing, materials, mining, and utilities, from January 1947 to December 2023 published by the U.S. Federal Reserve.




A data frame with 924 rows and 8 variables:


The observation date


The total index


Nonindustrial supplies


Final products










Testing for martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension


MartG_test() implements a new test proposed in Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023) for the following hypothesis testing problem:

H0:{yt}t=1n is a MDS  versus  H1:{yt}t=1n is not a MDS,H_0:\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ a\ MDS\ \ versus\ \ }H_1: \{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ not\ a\ MDS}\,,

where MDS is the abbreviation of "martingale difference sequence".


  lag.k = 2,
  B = 1000,
  type = c("Linear", "Quad"),
  alpha = 0.05,
  kernel.type = c("QS", "Par", "Bart")



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


The time lag KK used to calculate the test statistic [See (3) in Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023)]. The default is 2.


The number of bootstrap replications for generating multivariate normally distributed random vectors when calculating the critical value. The default is 1000.


The map used for constructing the test statistic. Available options include: "Linear" (the default) for the linear identity map and "Quad" for the map including both linear and quadratic terms. type can also be set by the users. See 'Details' and Section 2.1 of Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023) for more information.


The significance level of the test. The default is 0.05.


The option for choosing the symmetric kernel used in the estimation of long-run covariance matrix. Available options include: "QS" (the default) for the Quadratic spectral kernel, "Par" for the Parzen kernel, and "Bart" for the Bartlett kernel. See Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023) for more information.


Write x=(x1,,xp){\bf x}= (x_1,\ldots,x_p)'. When type = "Linear", the linear identity map is defined as ϕ(x)=x\boldsymbol \phi({\bf x})={\bf x}.

When type = "Quad", ϕ(x)={x,(x2)}\boldsymbol \phi({\bf x})=\{{\bf x}',({\bf x}^2)'\}' includes both linear and quadratic terms, where x2=(x12,,xp2){\bf x}^2 = (x_1^2,\ldots,x_p^2)'.

We can also choose ϕ(x)=cos(x)\boldsymbol \phi({\bf x}) = \cos({\bf x}) to capture certain type of nonlinear dependence, where cos(x)=(cosx1,,cosxp)\cos({\bf x}) = (\cos x_1,\ldots,\cos x_p)'.

See 'Examples'.


An object of class "hdtstest", which contains the following components:


The test statistic of the test.


The p-value of the test.


The time lag used in function.


The map used in function.


The kernel used in function.


Chang, J., Jiang, Q., & Shao, X. (2023). Testing the martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension. Journal of Econometrics, 235, 972–1000. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.09.001.


# Example 1
n <- 200
p <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)

res <- MartG_test(X, type="Linear")
res <- MartG_test(X, type=cbind(X, X^2)) #the same as type = "Quad"

## map can also be defined as an expression in R.
res <- MartG_test(X, type=quote(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using quote()
res <- MartG_test(X, type=substitute(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using substitute()
res <- MartG_test(X, type=expression(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using expression()
res <- MartG_test(X, type=parse(text="cbind(X, X^2)")) # expr using parse()

## map can also be defined as a function in R.
map_fun <- function(X) {X <- cbind(X, X^2); X}

res <- MartG_test(X, type=map_fun)
Pvalue <- res$p.value
rej <- res$reject

Principal component analysis for vector time series


PCA_TS() seeks for a contemporaneous linear transformation for a multivariate time series such that the transformed series is segmented into several lower-dimensional subseries:

yt=Axt,{\bf y}_t={\bf Ax}_t,

where xt{\bf x}_t is an unobservable p×1p \times 1 weakly stationary time series consisting of q (1)q\ (\geq 1) both contemporaneously and serially uncorrelated subseries. See Chang, Guo and Yao (2018).


  lag.k = 5,
  opt = 1,
  permutation = c("max", "fdr"),
  thresh = FALSE,
  delta = 2 * sqrt(log(ncol(Y))/nrow(Y)),
  prewhiten = TRUE,
  m = NULL,
  control = list()



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n. The procedure will first normalize yt{\bf y}_t as V^1/2yt\hat{{\bf V}}^{-1/2}{\bf y}_t, where V^\hat{{\bf V}} is an estimator for covariance of yt{\bf y}_t. See details below for the selection of V^1\hat{{\bf V}}^{-1}.


The time lag KK used to calculate the nonnegative definte matrix W^y\hat{{\bf W}}_y:

W^y = Ip+k=1KTδ{Σ^y(k)}Tδ{Σ^y(k)},\hat{\mathbf{W}}_y\ =\ \mathbf{I}_p+ \sum_{k=1}^{K} T_\delta \{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)\} T_\delta \{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_y(k)\}',

where Σ^y(k)\hat{\bf \Sigma}_y(k) is the sample autocovariance of V^1/2yt\hat{{\bf V}}^{-1/2}{\bf y}_t at lag kk and Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is a threshold operator with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0. See 'Details'. The default is 5.


An option used to choose which method will be implemented to get a consistent estimate V^\hat{\bf V} (or V^1\hat{\bf V}^{-1}) for the covariance (precision) matrix of yt{\bf y}_t. If opt = 1, V^\hat{\bf V} will be defined as the sample covariance matrix. If opt = 2, the precision matrix V^1\hat{\bf V}^{-1} will be calculated by using the function clime() of clime (Cai, Liu and Luo, 2011) with the arguments passed by control.


The method of permutation procedure to assign the components of z^t\hat{\bf z}_t to different groups [See Section 2.2.1 in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)]. Available options include: "max" (the default) for the maximum cross correlation method and "fdr" for the false discovery rate procedure based on multiple tests. See Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018) for more information.


Logical. If thresh = FALSE (the default), no thresholding will be applied to estimate W^y\hat{\bf W}_y. If thresh = TRUE, the argument delta is used to specify the threshold level δ\delta.


The value of the threshold level δ\delta. The default is δ=2n1logp\delta = 2 \sqrt{n^{-1}\log p}.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), we prewhiten each transformed component series of z^t\hat{\bf z}_t [See Section 2.2.1 in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)] by fitting a univariate AR model with the order between 0 and 5 determined by AIC. If FALSE, then the prewhiten procedure will not be performed.


A positive integer used in the permutation procedure [See (2.10) in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)]. The default is 10.


The error rate used in the permutation procedure[See (2.16) in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)] when permutation = "fdr".


A list of control arguments. See ‘Details’.


The threshold operator Tδ()T_\delta(\cdot) is defined as Tδ(W)={wi,j1(wi,jδ)}T_\delta({\bf W}) = \{w_{i,j}1(|w_{i,j}|\geq \delta)\} for any matrix W=(wi,j){\bf W}=(w_{i,j}), with the threshold level δ0\delta \geq 0 and 1()1(\cdot) representing the indicator function. We recommend to choose δ=0\delta=0 when pp is fixed and δ>0\delta>0 when pnp \gg n.

For large pp, since the sample covariance matrix may not be consistent, we recommend to use the method proposed in Cai, Liu and Luo (2011) to estimate the precision matrix V^1\hat{{\bf V}}^{-1} (opt = 2).

control is a list of arguments passed to the function clime(), which contains the following components:

  • nlambda: Number of values for program generated lambda. The default is 100.

  • lambda.max: Maximum value of program generated lambda. The default is 0.8.

  • lambda.min: Minimum value of program generated lambda. The default is 10410^{-4} (n>pn>p) or 10210^{-2} (n<pn<p).

  • standardize: Logical. If standardize = TRUE, the variables will be standardized to have mean zero and unit standard deviation. The default is FALSE.

  • linsolver: An option used to choose which method should be employed. Available options include "primaldual" (the default) and "simplex". Rule of thumb: "primaldual" for large pp, "simplex" for small pp.


An object of class "tspca", which contains the following components:


The p×pp\times p transformation matrix B^=Γ^yV^1/2\hat{\bf B}=\hat{\bf \Gamma}_y'\hat{{\bf V}}^{-1/2}, where Γ^y\hat{\bf \Gamma}_y is a p×pp \times p orthogonal matrix with the columns being the eigenvectors of W^y\hat{\bf W}_y.


The n×pn \times p matrix X^=(x^1,,x^n)\hat{\bf X}=(\hat{\bf x}_1,\dots,\hat{\bf x}_n)' with x^t=B^yt\hat{\bf x}_t = \hat{\bf B}{\bf y}_t.


The number of groups.


The number of members in each group.


The indices of the components of x^t\hat{\bf x}_t that belong to each group.


A string indicating which permutation procedure is performed.


Cai, T., Liu, W., & Luo, X. (2011). A constrained L1 minimization approach for sparse precision matrix estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106, 594–607. doi:10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10155.

Chang, J., Guo, B., & Yao, Q. (2018). Principal component analysis for second-order stationary vector time series. The Annals of Statistics, 46, 2094–2124. doi:10.1214/17-AOS1613.


# Example 1 (Example 1 in the supplementary material of Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)).
# p=6, x_t consists of 3 independent subseries with 3, 2 and 1 components.

## Generate x_t
p <- 6;n <- 1500
X <- mat.or.vec(p,n)
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.5, 0.3), ma = c(-0.9, 0.3, 1.2,1.3)),
n = n+2, sd = 1)
for(i in 1:3) X[i,] <- x[i:(n+i-1)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.8,-0.5),ma = c(1,0.8,1.8) ), n = n+1, sd = 1)
for(i in 4:5) X[i,] <- x[(i-3):(n+i-4)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(-0.7, -0.5), ma = c(-1, -0.8)), n = n, sd = 1)
X[6,] <- x

## Generate y_t
A <- matrix(runif(p*p, -3, 3), ncol = p)
Y <- A%*%X
Y <- t(Y)

## permutation = "max" or permutation = "fdr"
res <- PCA_TS(Y, lag.k = 5,permutation = "max")
res1 <- PCA_TS(Y, lag.k = 5,permutation = "fdr", beta = 10^(-10))
Z <- res$X

# Example 2 (Example 2 in the supplementary material of Chang, Guo and Yao (2018)).
# p=20, x_t consists of 5 independent subseries with 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 components.

## Generate x_t
p <- 20;n <- 3000
X <- mat.or.vec(p,n)
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.5, 0.3), ma = c(-0.9, 0.3, 1.2, 1.3)), 
n.start = 500, n = n+5, sd = 1)
for(i in 1:6) X[i,] <- x[i:(n+i-1)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(-0.4, 0.5), ma = c(1, 0.8, 1.5, 1.8)),
n.start = 500, n = n+4, sd = 1)
for(i in 7:11) X[i,] <- x[(i-6):(n+i-7)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.85,-0.3), ma=c(1, 0.5, 1.2)),
n.start = 500, n = n+3,sd = 1)
for(i in 12:15) X[i,] <- x[(i-11):(n+i-12)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.8, -0.5),ma = c(1, 0.8, 1.8)),
n.start = 500, n = n+2,sd = 1)
for(i in 16:18) X[i,] <- x[(i-15):(n+i-16)]
x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(-0.7, -0.5), ma = c(-1, -0.8)),
n.start = 500,n = n+1,sd = 1)
for(i in 19:20) X[i,] <- x[(i-18):(n+i-19)]

## Generate y_t
A <- matrix(runif(p*p, -3, 3), ncol =p)
Y <- A%*%X
Y <- t(Y)

## permutation = "max" or permutation = "fdr"
res <- PCA_TS(Y, lag.k = 5,permutation = "max")
res1 <- PCA_TS(Y, lag.k = 5,permutation = "fdr",beta = 10^(-200))
Z <- res$X

Make predictions from a "factors" object


This function makes predictions from a "factors" object.


## S3 method for class 'factors'
  newdata = NULL,
  n.ahead = 10,
  control_ARIMA = list(),
  control_VAR = list(),



An object of class "factors" constructed by Factors.


Optional. A new data matrix to predict from.


An integer specifying the number of steps ahead for prediction.


A list of arguments passed to the function auto.arima() of forecast. See 'Details' and the manual of auto.arima(). The default is list(ic = "aic").


A list of arguments passed to the function VAR() of vars. See 'Details' and the manual of VAR(). The default is list(type = "const", lag.max = 6, ic = "AIC").


Currently not used.


Forecasting for yt{\bf y}_t can be implemented in two steps:

Step 1. Get the hh-step ahead forecast of the r^×1\hat{r} \times 1 time series x^t\hat{\bf x}_t [See Factors], denoted by x^n+h\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}, using a VAR model (if r^>1\hat{r} > 1) or an ARIMA model (if r^=1\hat{r} = 1). The orders of VAR and ARIMA models are determined by AIC by default. Otherwise, they can also be specified by users through the arguments control_VAR and control_ARIMA, respectively.

Step 2. The forecasted value for yt{\bf y}_t is obtained by y^n+h=A^x^n+h\hat{\bf y}_{n+h}= \hat{\bf A}\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}.



A matrix of predicted values.

See Also



data(FamaFrench, package = "HDTSA")

## Remove the market effects
reg <- lm(as.matrix(FamaFrench[, -c(1:2)]) ~ as.matrix(FamaFrench$MKT.RF))
Y_2d = reg$residuals

res_factors <- Factors(Y_2d, lag.k = 5)
pred_fac_Y <- predict(res_factors, n.ahead = 1)

Make predictions from a "mtscp" object


This function makes predictions from a "mtscp" object.


## S3 method for class 'mtscp'
  newdata = NULL,
  n.ahead = 10,
  control_ARIMA = list(),
  control_VAR = list(),



An object of class "mtscp" constructed by CP_MTS.


Optional. A new data matrix to predict from.


An integer specifying the number of steps ahead for prediction.


A list of arguments passed to the function auto.arima() of forecast. See 'Details' and the manual of auto.arima(). The default is list(ic = "aic").


A list of arguments passed to the function VAR() of vars. See 'Details' and the manual of VAR(). The default is list(type = "const", lag.max = 6, ic = "AIC").


Currently not used.


Forecasting for yt{\bf y}_t can be implemented in two steps:

Step 1. Get the hh-step ahead forecast of the d^×1\hat{d} \times 1 time series x^t=(x^t,1,,x^t,d^)\hat{\bf x}_t=(\hat{x}_{t,1},\ldots,\hat{x}_{t,\hat{d}})' [See CP_MTS], denoted by x^n+h\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}, using a VAR model (if d^>1\hat{d} > 1) or an ARIMA model (if d^=1\hat{d} = 1). The orders of VAR and ARIMA models are determined by AIC by default. Otherwise, they can also be specified by users through the arguments control_VAR and control_ARIMA, respectively.

Step 2. The forecasted value for Yt{\bf Y}_t is obtained by Y^n+h=A^X^n+hB^\hat{\bf Y}_{n+h}= \hat{\bf A} \hat{\bf X}_{n+h} \hat{\bf B}' with X^n+h=diag(x^n+h)\hat{\bf X}_{n+h} = {\rm diag}(\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}).



A list of length n.ahead, where each element is a p×qp \times q matrix representing the predicted values at each time step.

See Also



data(FamaFrench, package = "HDTSA")

## Remove the market effects
reg <- lm(as.matrix(FamaFrench[, -c(1:2)]) ~ as.matrix(FamaFrench$MKT.RF))
Y_2d = reg$residuals

## Rearrange Y_2d into a 3-dimensional array Y
Y = array(NA, dim = c(NROW(Y_2d), 10, 10))
for (tt in 1:NROW(Y_2d)) {
  for (ii in 1:10) {
    Y[tt, ii, ] <- Y_2d[tt, (1 + 10*(ii - 1)):(10 * ii)]

res_cp <- CP_MTS(Y, lag.k = 20, method = "CP.Refined")
pred_cp_Y <- predict(res_cp, n.ahead = 1)[[1]]

Make predictions from a "tspca" object


This function makes predictions from a "tspca" object.


## S3 method for class 'tspca'
  newdata = NULL,
  n.ahead = 10,
  control_ARIMA = list(),
  control_VAR = list(),



An object of class "tspca" constructed by PCA_TS.


Optional. A new data matrix to predict from.


An integer specifying the number of steps ahead for prediction.


A list of arguments passed to the function auto.arima() of forecast. See 'Details' and the manual of auto.arima(). The default is list(max.d = 0, max.q = 0, ic = "aic").


A list of arguments passed to the function VAR() of vars. See 'Details' and the manual of VAR(). The default is list(type = "const", lag.max = 6, ic = "AIC").


Currently not used.


Having obtained x^t\hat{\bf x}_t using the PCA_TS function, which is segmented into qq uncorrelated subseries x^t(1),,x^t(q)\hat{\bf x}_t^{(1)},\ldots,\hat{\bf x}_t^{(q)}, the forecasting for yt{\bf y}_t can be performed in two steps:

Step 1. Get the hh-step ahead forecast x^n+h(j)\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}^{(j)} (j=1,,q)(j=1,\ldots,q) by using a VAR model (if the dimension of x^t(j)\hat{\bf x}_t^{(j)} is larger than 1) or an ARIMA model (if the dimension of x^t(j)\hat{\bf x}_t^{(j)} is 1). The orders of VAR and ARIMA models are determined by AIC by default. Otherwise, they can also be specified by users through the arguments control_VAR and control_ARIMA, respectively.

Step 2. Let x^n+h=({x^n+h(1)},,{x^n+h(q)})\hat{\bf x}_{n+h} = (\{\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}^{(1)}\}',\ldots,\{\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}^{(q)}\}')'. The forecasted value for yt{\bf y}_t is obtained by y^n+h=B^1x^n+h\hat{\bf y}_{n+h}= \hat{\bf B}^{-1}\hat{\bf x}_{n+h}.



A matrix of predicted values.

See Also



data(FamaFrench, package = "HDTSA")

## Remove the market effects
reg <- lm(as.matrix(FamaFrench[, -c(1:2)]) ~ as.matrix(FamaFrench$MKT.RF))
Y_2d = reg$residuals

res_pca <- PCA_TS(Y_2d, lag.k = 5, thresh = TRUE)
pred_pca_Y <- predict(res_pca, n.ahead = 1)

The national QWI hires data


The data on new hires at a national level are obtained from the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) of the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program at the U.S. Census Bureau (Abowd et al., 2009). The national QWI hires data covers a variable number of years, with some states providing time series going back to 1990 (e.g., Washington), and others (e.g., Massachusetts) only commencing at 2010. For each of 51 states (excluding D.C. but including Puerto Rico) there is a new hires time series for each county. Additional description of the data, along with its relevancy to labor economics, can be found in Hyatt and McElroy (2019).




A list with 51 elements. Every element contains a multivariate time series.



Abowd, J. M., Stephens, B. E., Vilhuber, L., Andersson, F., McKinney, K. L., Roemer, M., and Woodcock, S. (2009). The LEHD infrastructure files and the creation of the quarterly workforce indicators. In Producer dynamics: New evidence from micro data, pages 149–230. University of Chicago Press. doi:10.7208/chicago/9780226172576.003.0006.

Hyatt, H. R. and McElroy, T. S. (2019). Labor reallocation, employment, and earnings: Vector autoregression evidence. Labour, 33, 463–487. doi:10.1111/labr.12153

Multiple testing with FDR control for spectral density matrix


SpecMulTest() implements a new multiple testing procedure proposed in Chang et al. (2022) for the following QQ hypothesis testing problems:

H0,q:fi,j(ω)=0 for any (i,j)I(q) and ωJ(q)  versus  H1,q:H0,q is not trueH_{0,q}:f_{i,j}(\omega)=0\mathrm{\ for\ any\ }(i,j)\in\mathcal{I}^{(q)}\mathrm{\ and\ } \omega\in\mathcal{J}^{(q)}\mathrm{\ \ versus\ \ } H_{1,q}:H_{0,q}\mathrm{\ is\ not\ true}

for q=1,,Qq=1,\dots,Q. Here, fi,j(ω)f_{i,j}(\omega) represents the cross-spectral density between xt,ix_{t,i} and xt,jx_{t,j} at frequency ω\omega with xt,ix_{t,i} being the ii-th component of the p×1p \times 1 times series xt{\bf x}_t, and I(q)\mathcal{I}^{(q)} and J(q)\mathcal{J}^{(q)} refer to the set of index pairs and the set of frequencies associated with the qq-th test, respectively.


SpecMulTest(Q, PVal, alpha = 0.05, seq_len = 0.01)



The number of the hypothesis tests.


A vector of length QQ representing p-values of the QQ hypothesis tests.


The prescribed level for the FDR control. The default is 0.05.


The step size for generating a sequence from 0 to 2×logQ2×log(logQ)\sqrt{2\times\log Q-2\times\log(\log Q )}. The default is 0.01.


An object of class "hdtstest", which contains the following component:


A logical vector of length QQ. If its qq-th element is TRUE, it indicates that H0,qH_{0,q} should be rejected. Otherwise, H0,qH_{0,q} should not be rejected.


Chang, J., Jiang, Q., McElroy, T. S., & Shao, X. (2022). Statistical inference for high-dimensional spectral density matrix. arXiv preprint. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2212.13686.

See Also



# Example 1
## Generate xt
n <- 200
p <- 10
flag_c <- 0.8
B <- 1000
burn <- 1000
z.sim <- matrix(rnorm((n+burn)*p),p,n+burn)
phi.mat <- 0.4*diag(p)
x.sim <- phi.mat %*% z.sim[,(burn+1):(burn+n)]
x <- x.sim - rowMeans(x.sim)
Q <- 4

## Generate the sets Iq and Jq
ISET <- list()
ISET[[1]] <- matrix(c(1,2),ncol=2)
ISET[[2]] <- matrix(c(1,3),ncol=2)
ISET[[3]] <- matrix(c(1,4),ncol=2)
ISET[[4]] <- matrix(c(1,5),ncol=2)
JSET <- as.list(2*pi*seq(0,3)/4 - pi)

## Calculate Q p-values
PVal <- rep(NA,Q)
for (q in 1:Q) {
  cross.indices <- ISET[[q]]
  J.set <- JSET[[q]]
  temp.q <- SpecTest(t(x), J.set, cross.indices, B, flag_c)
  PVal[q] <- temp.q$p.value
res <- SpecMulTest(Q, PVal)

Global testing for spectral density matrix


SpecTest() implements a new global test proposed in Chang et al. (2022) for the following hypothesis testing problem:

H0:fi,j(ω)=0 for any (i,j)I and ωJ  versus  H1:H0 is not true,H_0:f_{i,j}(\omega)=0 \mathrm{\ for\ any\ }(i,j)\in \mathcal{I}\mathrm{\ and\ } \omega \in \mathcal{J}\mathrm{\ \ versus\ \ }H_1:H_0\mathrm{\ is\ not\ true }\,,

where fi,j(ω)f_{i,j}(\omega) represents the cross-spectral density between xt,ix_{t,i} and xt,jx_{t,j} at frequency ω\omega with xt,ix_{t,i} being the ii-th component of the p×1p \times 1 times series xt{\bf x}_t. Here, I\mathcal{I} is the set of index pairs of interest, and J\mathcal{J} is the set of frequencies.


SpecTest(X, J.set, cross.indices, B = 1000, flag_c = 0.8)



An n×pn\times p data matrix X=(x1,,xn){\bf X} = ({\bf x}_1, \dots , {\bf x}_n)', where nn is the number of observations of the p×1p\times 1 time series {xt}t=1n\{{\bf x}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


A vector representing the set J\mathcal{J} of frequencies.


An r×2r \times 2 matrix representing the set I\mathcal{I} of rr index pairs, where each row represents an index pair.


The number of bootstrap replications for generating multivariate normally distributed random vectors when calculating the critical value. The default is 2000.


The bandwidth c(0,1]c\in(0,1] of the flat-top kernel for estimating fi,j(ω)f_{i,j}(\omega) [See (2) in Chang et al. (2022)]. The default is 0.8.


An object of class "hdtstest", which contains the following components:


The test statistic of the test.


The p-value of the test.


The critical value of the test at the significance level 0.05.


Chang, J., Jiang, Q., McElroy, T. S., & Shao, X. (2022). Statistical inference for high-dimensional spectral density matrix. arXiv preprint. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2212.13686.

See Also



# Example 1
## Generate xt
n <- 200
p <- 10
flag_c <- 0.8
B <- 1000
burn <- 1000
z.sim <- matrix(rnorm((n+burn)*p),p,n+burn)
phi.mat <- 0.4*diag(p)
x.sim <- phi.mat %*% z.sim[,(burn+1):(burn+n)]
x <- x.sim - rowMeans(x.sim)

## Generate the sets I and J
cross.indices <- matrix(c(1,2), ncol=2)
J.set <- 2*pi*seq(0,3)/4 - pi

res <- SpecTest(t(x), J.set, cross.indices, B, flag_c)
Stat <- res$statistic
Pvalue <- res$p.value
CriVal <- res$cri95

Testing for unit roots based on sample autocovariances


This function implements the test proposed in Chang, Cheng and Yao (2022) for the following hypothesis testing problem:

H0:YtI(0)  versus  H1:YtI(d) for some integer d1,H_0:Y_t \sim I(0)\ \ \mathrm{versus}\ \ H_1:Y_t \sim I(d)\ \mathrm{for\ some\ integer\ }d \geq 1\,,

where YtY_t is a univariate time series.


UR_test(Y, lagk.vec = NULL, con_vec = NULL, alpha = 0.05)



A vector Y=(Y1,,Yn){\bf Y} = (Y_1, \dots , Y_n )', where nn is the number of the observations.


The time lag K0K_0 used to calculate the test statistic [See Section 2.1 of Chang, Cheng and Yao (2022)]. It can be a vector specifying multiple time lags. If provided as a s×1s \times 1 vector, the function will output the test results corresponding to each of the ss values in lagk.vec. The default is c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4).


The constant cκc_\kappa specified in (5) of Chang, Cheng and Yao (2022). The default is 0.55. Alternatively, it can be an m×1m \times 1 vector specified by users, representing mm candidate values of cκc_\kappa.


The significance level of the test. The default is 0.05.


An object of class "urtest", which contains the following components:


A s×1s \times 1 vector with each element representing the test statistic value associated with each of the ss time lags specified in lagk.vec.


An m×sm \times s data matrix R=(Ri,j){\bf R}=(R_{i,j}) where Ri,jR_{i,j} represents whether the null hypothesis H0H_0 should be rejected for cκc_\kappa specified by the ii-th component of con_vec, and K0K_0 specified by the jj-th component of lagk.vec. Ri,j=1R_{i,j}=1 indicates rejection of the null hypothesis, while Ri,j=0R_{i,j}=0 indicates non-rejection.


The time lags used in function.


Chang, J., Cheng, G., & Yao, Q. (2022). Testing for unit roots based on sample autocovariances. Biometrika, 109, 543–550. doi:10.1093/biomet/asab034.


# Example 1
## Generate yt
N <- 100
Y <-arima.sim(list(ar = c(0.9)), n = 2*N, sd = sqrt(1))
con_vec <- c(0.45, 0.55, 0.65)
lagk.vec <- c(0, 1, 2)

UR_test(Y, lagk.vec = lagk.vec, con_vec = con_vec, alpha = 0.05)
UR_test(Y, alpha = 0.05)

Testing for white noise hypothesis in high dimension


WN_test() implements the test proposed in Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017) for the following hypothesis testing problem:

H0:{yt}t=1n is white noise  versus  H1:{yt}t=1n is not white noise.H_0:\{{\bf y}_t \}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ white\ noise\ \ versus\ \ }H_1:\{{\bf y}_t \}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ not\ white\ noise.}


  lag.k = 2,
  B = 1000,
  kernel.type = c("QS", "Par", "Bart"),
  pre = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  control.PCA = list()



An n×pn \times p data matrix Y=(y1,,yn){\bf Y} = ({\bf y}_1, \dots , {\bf y}_n )', where nn is the number of the observations of the p×1p \times 1 time series {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n.


The time lag KK used to calculate the test statistic [See (4) of Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017)]. The default is 2.


The number of bootstrap replications for generating multivariate normally distributed random vectors when calculating the critical value. The default is 1000.


The option for choosing the symmetric kernel used in the estimation of long-run covariance matrix. Available options include: "QS" (the default) for the Quadratic spectral kernel, "Par" for the Parzen kernel, and "Bart" for the Bartlett kernel. See Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017) for more information.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), the time series PCA proposed in Chang, Guo and Yao (2018) should be performed on {yt}t=1n\{{\bf y}_t\}_{t=1}^n before implementing the white noise test [See Remark 1 of Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017)]. The time series PCA is implemented by using the function PCA_TS with the arguments passed by control.PCA.


The significance level of the test. The default is 0.05.


A list of control arguments passed to the function PCA_TS(), including lag.k, opt, thresh, delta, and the associated arguments passed to the clime function (when opt = 2). See 'Details’ in PCA_TS.


An object of class "hdtstest", which contains the following components:


The test statistic of the test.


The p-value of the test.


The time lag used in function.


The kernel used in function.


Chang, J., Guo, B., & Yao, Q. (2018). Principal component analysis for second-order stationary vector time series. The Annals of Statistics, 46, 2094–2124. doi:10.1214/17-AOS1613.

Chang, J., Yao, Q., & Zhou, W. (2017). Testing for high-dimensional white noise using maximum cross-correlations. Biometrika, 104, 111–127. doi:10.1093/biomet/asw066.

See Also



#Example 1
## Generate xt
n <- 200
p <- 10
Y <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)

res <- WN_test(Y)
Pvalue <- res$p.value
rej <- res$reject